Arc Flash Analysis
An arc flash analysis pinpoints electrical safety violations in your facility, determining incident energy levels for worker protection. Conducted by an expert, this risk assessment identifies and mitigates Arc Flash hazards, ensuring compliance with NFPA 70E standards.

NFPA 70E and IEEE 1584 equations for arc flash calculations
lg En = K1 + K2 + 1.081 * lgIa + 0.0011 * G. …
lgIa = K + 0.662 * lg Ibf + 0.0966 * V + 0.000526 * G + 0.5588 * V * lgIbf – 0.00304 * G * lgIbf …
lgIa = 0.00402 + 0.983 * lg Ibf …
E = 4.184 * Cf * En * (t / 0.2) * (610x/Dx) …
E = 2.142 * 106 * V * Ibf * (t / D2)
PPE Category 1: Minimum Arc Rating 4 cal/cm2
Required Clothing: Long Sleeve Shirt (or Jacket) and Pants or AR Coverall with minimum arc rating of 4 cal/cm2
Required Face and Head Protection: Face Shield (with “wrap around” guarding…i.e balaclava) or Arc Flash Suit Hood
As Needed: Arc Rated Jacket, Rainwear, Parka, Hard Hat Liner
In addition to AR clothing, the following products are required or to be used as needed:
Required Hand Protection: Heavy-Duty Leather Gloves
Additional PPE: Hard Hat, Eye Protection (Glasses, Goggles), Hearing Protection
Footwear: Leather Footwear (as needed)
PPE Category 2: Minimum Arc Rating 8 cal/cm2
Required Clothing: Arc Rated Long Sleeve Shirt and Pants or Arc Rated Coverall with minimum arc rating of 8 cal/cm2
Required AR Face and Head Protection: Arc Rated Arc Flash Suit Hood or AR Face Shield, Sock Hood/Balaclava with minimum arc rating of 8 cal/cm2
As Needed: Arc Rated Jacket, Rainwear, Parka, Hard Hat Liner
In addition to AR clothing, the following products are required or to be used as needed:
Required Hand Protection: Heavy-Duty Leather Gloves
Additional PPE: Hard Hat, Eye Protection (Glasses, Goggles), Hearing Protection
PPE Category 3: Minimum Arc Rating 25 cal/cm2
PPE Category 3 and 4 require additional layers of PPE. Arc flash suit hoods are required and rubber insulating gloves & leather protectors or arc rated gloves are required. For PPE Category 3; workers need the following clothing:
Required Clothing: Arc Rated Flash Suit Jacket and AR pant or AR coverall with minimum arc rating of 25 cal/cm2
Required AR Face and Head Protection: Arc Rated Flash Suit Hood with minimum arc rating of 25 cal/cm2
Required AR Hand Protection: Rubber insulating gloves & leather protectors or arc rated gloves
Additional PPE: Hard Hat, Eye Protection
PPE Category 4: Minimum Arc Rating 40 cal/cm2
The final PPE Category requires AR clothing with a minimum rating of 40 cal/cm2.
Required Clothing: Arc Rated Flash Suit Jacket and AR pant or AR coverall with minimum arc rating of 40 cal/cm2
Required AR Face and Head Protection: Arc Rated Flash Suit Hood with minimum arc rating of 40 cal/cm2
Required AR Hand Protection: Rubber insulating gloves & leather protectors or arc rated gloves
As Needed: Arc Rated Jacket, Rainwear, Parka, Hard Hat Liner
Additional PPE: Hard Hat, Eye Protection (Glasses, Goggles), Hearing Protection