Health & Safety Policy

A health and safety policy sets out Management’s general approach to health and safety. It explains how someone, as an employer, will manage health and safety in his business. It should clearly say who does what, when, and how.
If you have ten or more employees as per Factory Act, you must write your policy down. If you have fewer than ten employees you do not have to write anything down, but it is useful to do so. You must share the policy, and any changes to it, with your employees.

“Health and Safety Provisions as per Factory Act, The Factories Act, 1948, has been promulgated primarily to provide safety measures and to promote the health and welfare of the workers employed in factories. The object thus brings this Act, within the competence of the Central Legislature to enact.”
A written occupational health and safety policy helps promote an effective OHS program. Such policies reflect the special needs of your workplace and should be regularly reviewed and updated. This policy communicates a commitment to health and safety.
- It should be signed by a whole time Director or president to further demonstrate the commitment to health and safety.

Safety Policy to be displayed in local language at conspicuous locations and displayed at such a height that employees can read, it should be ensured that safety policy is understood by all.
There are several reasons why workplaces need a health and safety policy or program, including.
- To clearly demonstrate management’s full commitment to their employee’s health and safety;
- To show employees that safety performance and business performance are compatible;
- To clearly state the company’s safety beliefs, principles, objectives, strategies and processes.
- To clearly outline employer and employee accountability and responsibility for workplace health and safety;
- To comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act;
- To set out safe work practices and procedures to be followed to prevent workplace injuries and illnesses
The development of a health and safety policy or program is the responsibility of the employer. However, for such a policy or program to be accepted and successful it will need the commitment and endorsement of the workers.
- The legislation stipulates that the health and safety policy is to be reviewed annually, and where required, updated in consultation with the workers’ health and safety representative. The policy should also be reviewed and revised whenever there is an operational or organizational change.
- The legislation stipulates that the health and safety program is to be reviewed and revised at least every three years. In addition, a review is required to be undertaken whenever there is a change of circumstances that may affect the health and safety of workers, or where an officer makes such a request. The review of the program should be done in consultation with the occupational health and safety committee.
- Safety Policy is excellent tool to show the commitment of Management for the health and safety at work