Machine and General Area Guarding

ISO 14489 reference, the purpose of machine & general area guarding is to protect the machine & operator and other employees in the work area from hazards created by ingoing nip points, rotating parts, flying chips and sparks. Some examples of this are barrier guards, light curtains, two-hand operating devices.

Q. Whether machinery and equipment which can cause physical injuries to the operator have been identified?

Ans. All the machinery and equipment which may cause injuries to be identified during risk assessment, safety inspection, safety audit, and employee feedback. Based on the recommendations suitable guard to be installed. Guards to be designed in such a way that these should not obstruct the normal functioning of the machines. Guards should be interlocked so that if the guard is opened machine cannot be operated

Q. Are all moving parts and points of operation of machinery adequately guarded?

Ans. Every moving part of a prime mover and every flywheel connected to a prime mover, whether the prime mover or flywheel is in the engine at the workplace as per Section 21, Factory Act.

Q. Are all fixed guards securely bolted in position and in good condition?

Ans. The guard must prevent hands, arms, and any other part of a worker’s body from making contact with dangerous moving parts

Q. Are all interlock guards for the prevention of physical injury in good condition?

Ans. A interlock guard defeats its own purpose if it creates a hazard of its own such as a shear point, a jagged edge, or an unfinished surface which can cause laceration prevention of physical injury.

Q. Are all emergency stop buttons effective and clearly labeled?

Ans. Stop the hazardous process as quickly as possible, without creating additional risks.

Q. Are the operators for machines having moving parts aware of the danger of working with loose clothing?

Ans. It is important to make sure everyone understands that any loose articles on their person can cause injury.

Q. Are the openings where there is free fall hazard covered or fenced securely?

Ans. Freefall hazard is anything in the workplace that could cause a covered or fenced securely.

The purpose of machine guarding is to protect the machine operator and other employees safe in the work area for hazards.

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